We think our clients, Smashing Young Lads, are awesome. These guys know how to market products by using music—who doesn’t love music? Check out some videos from the U.S. Open of Surf in Huntington Beach earlier this year, where we helped SYL out by creating specialty promotional sunglasses.
Maximize Your Marketing Power Through Window Signage
Remember that window display for that upcoming store that you walk by every time you are in the mall? It may seem ordinary, but think about the impression that sign made on you and the hundreds of other people passing by. Instead of looking at an empty, dark storefront, you saw a bold, giant advertisement […]
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CPI Resources has everything you need to market your business, whether you want to increase sales and awareness to your company or are seeking to completely rebrand your image. But, CPI Resources is not just about creating printed material or eye-catching signage. We take pride in helping our customers achieve their goals and are involved […]
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Recon Distribution is a simple, effective and reliable way for companies such as CPI Resources to support our dealers and our distributors. By having RECON Distribution create a tailored program for your company, you can provide a way to have the necessary promotional products on hand to support your distributors and dealers, without having to […]
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