Remember that window display for that upcoming store that you walk by every time you are in the mall? It may seem ordinary, but think about the impression that sign made on you and the hundreds of other people passing by. Instead of looking at an empty, dark storefront, you saw a bold, giant advertisement that clued you in to what was to come. And as short a duration your attention span for that window display might have been, realize that most importantly it caught your attention at all, and subliminally made an impression on you. It’s a smart, effective and cost-efficient form of advertisement.
Ask one of our clients, Skechers, who have continued to hire us again and again to create window displays and signage for their stores across the country. Not only that, but we have also transformed Skechers’ construction scaffolding into giant, attractive signs of advertisement on the busy streets of Manhattan.
Rethink the way you can utilize window displays and signage. Think that you shouldn’t promote your products in your windows even if your business hasn’t opened yet? Think again–that empty window display is the perfect advertisement hub for your products that you can use to hype up your potential customers for your big opening day.
Stores are not the only places that can use window displays and signage. The key is to think outside of the box—using signage on windows not only promotes to local traffic and passersby and improves a window’s aesthetics, but it can also serve a dual purpose of masking what the general public needs not see. Similar to using window signage to hide unsightly construction or empty stores, posting up window displays on factories can hide shelving or storage areas from the public eye. Skechers hired us to install exterior window vinyl at all of their factory outlets across the U.S., and most recently, their Lynwood Factory Outlet store in California. The bold vinyl plastered over the windows does three things: they give the factory store more color and character while not changing the building itself; they cover up the factory’s storage rooms inside; and most importantly, it gives the outlet maximum visibility to passersby, whether in cars, on public transport, on bikes or even walking.
CPI Resources doesn’t just create signage. Our clients hire us because we are involved with the project from the beginning to the end. We provide consultation, surveying, permit acquisition, manufacturing, installation and servicing for all of our projects.
We don’t want to sell you a window display—we want to be your partner in creating effective advertising to increase revenue, while reducing the overall cost of your marketing plan. We welcome the opportunity to show you how—call us on (949) 975-1631 and we’ll answer all of your questions.